Sustainable Packaging
Industry Experts discuss all the new materials and ways that packaging can be more sustainable and how we can do our parts to help recycle and reuse. Sustainable Packaging is and will continue to affect us all in our daily lives. We have lots of fun and get down to the real data of what's working to help our planet!
Sustainable Packaging
New CEO of the US Plastics Pact Jonathan Quinn
Join the US Plastics Pact today! https://usplasticspact.org/
Did you know the US plastics pact is a place for all in the value chain of plastic materials and packaging?
What is Jonathan Quinn going to focus on as the CEO?
Check out our sponsor Orora Packaging Solutions
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Welcome to Sustainable Packaging with Cory Connors. Today's guest is my very good friend, Mr. Jonathan Quinn, the CEO of the U. S. Plastics Pact, newly appointed. I think this is his second or third time being on the program, but we're so excited to have you back. How are you, Jonathan? Doing great. I'm excited to be here. It's always fun spending time with you, Corey. Thank you so much. congratulations on your new role as the U. S. Plastics Pact, chief executive officer. I think, the team there was doing an amazing job, but I think what you're going to add is a whole new spectrum of wisdom and knowledge and energy. So, I'm excited to, to talk about that and what the U. S plastics act does and how you're going to, continue to push and make things even better there. but, can you tell us, how that opportunity came about and what's the 1st steps? this has been a exciting journey and it's exciting journey that's led me here. Emily Tipaldo has , has led the U. S. Plastics PACT since it started. and I've often times said. in the past, since I started and before I would much rather be joining Emily than, replacing Emily, because I have the utmost respect for her. I respect all that she's done throughout her career, but I have the utmost respect for her in what she did to build the pact. to the point of where it is to today. but this was an opportunity that, came to me through, Emily and the board and went through the process of, interviewing and. Being evaluated among other people. And so, it means a lot to me personally, to have this position because of the process that went through and, because of how much, the mission of the pact means to me. and I'm just incredibly excited to, to be here and, to be, really surrounded by so many great people, that make up, I team, and I'm excited for what we're going to be able to do collectively and how we're going to be able to engage the value chain, to make sure we move and progress towards a plastic circular economy. Well said Emily, Topaldo was, one of the most intelligent people I've ever spoken with on this show. And she. I was just blown away by her answers, her wisdom, her knowledge. And, so they were doing great things. And I think what with you there, you'll just continue that path and even bring in new capabilities and new. New energy, so it's very exciting for the country, because I think what the U. S. Plastics pact is doing is going to help us all. Like you said, make plastic and more circular economy. But can you tell us about that? What is the U. S. Plastics pact do? And why should companies join right away? Yeah, the U. S. Plastics pact is really the U. About actions, not words. And, when you look at it, right now, it's really about enabling and driving towards, towards a set of goals that are a part of the roadmap, which we've set out. we initially, when the pack was first started, we set, goals towards 2025 and our, The first road map and we've just recently announced our road map 2. 0. but it's about setting targets and being there to support all those that are part of the packs to achieving those goals and targets. so I think that's the key. But I would tell you right now, when it comes to what the pact is doing and how we're Supporting and driving the industry broadly and the value chain broadly towards that circular economy comes down to the three kind of key buckets and that's, really focusing on the film and flexible area, and so we have a film and flexible, workshop series. That is a monthly workshop series that is really providing practical support Companies and brands and retailers and others, to really understand what it takes to advance towards model material solutions and other, forms of flexible packaging. And it covers the entire. Supply chain from, equipment manufacturers to film and, and material manufacturers to, the kind of the end of the conversation and in the recycling and other conversations. So really, it's covering all those, that are part of the film and flexible supply chain to really understand and help. our member companies, advance their products and their package packaging and kind of demystify the unknown. and then the other element, which is one of the key elements that people probably heard about the fact and that is around our guidelines and then our problematic and unnecessary materials lists. And these are lists and guidelines that are developed by science and facts. Not by emotions. these are lists that give people, meaning brands and packaging companies and others, an idea of where we, where problems exist and products that are listed on that problematic or unnecessary list. They're not there necessarily as a ban list, though. They're there. Because there's problems that we have to overcome. There's issues with those materials. And it's not just on the front end of the material being produced, but it also very well could be on the backend and the end of life solutions. Don't exist for some materials, and those are opportunities, and those are opportunities for those producers to come to be a part of the conversation and see how we can advance, those end of life opportunities and bringing data to, to support that. So those are all part of that. I think the other element there is when we talk about guidelines, it's about the annual reporting. So the annual reporting that we require as a part of being an activator is really, enabling people to be transparent, to, showcase what they're doing and the progress they're making, but also preparing them to be ready for EPR. And all that EPR is going to, demand in years to come for producers. that is what really, I think we're doing to, prepare and get our activator members ready. and then the other thing is doing the research and, really getting to the minds of consumers. and that is around a broad, number of topics, but one of the keys is some work that we're doing, with closed loop partners. And they're ready for reuse study that we're working on, looking at the, some of the reuse programs that there's been many that have been launched, but the success of those has been hindered. And at the end of the day, it comes down to the consumer. and really understanding why the consumer wants and how the consumer works with reusable packaging. and so really, that study is going to get to the guts of that and really understand, some of those key elements. And so I'm really excited about that work and that research. so those are all really important. All bucketed into those three buckets. But those are some of the keys as to right now where there's a ton of value. And I think one of the things that I would say that is overarching in all of this, and this is probably one of the key elements to why I've always respected the pact, and admired the work is the transparency and clarity that the pact enables. and that's one of the key elements that consumers. Probably are missing. And we know that consumers want to know things and they lack trust in major brands and CPGs and whether it's the plastic and packaging industry also. And so finding ways to transparently showcase the progress that's being made and how it's being made, I think, is key to all of this. Yeah, well said, I think we, we've had the opportunity to share stages, several times in our career and I think the 1st time we got to speak together, was that waste expo's 1st ever, sustainable packaging or sustainability stage and we were talking about the same thing and I think that was what, 5 or 6 years ago and, that was, I think it's so important to know that this is not something new. This is something that we've been working on, we're trying to accomplish, we're improving daily, but now we have more people on board. It seems like it feels like a movement, where, and you're, I think you're going to be really tip of the spear in your new role here. so congratulations to you because now you're going to have the resources and the ear of the people that can actually make huge impacts. but I. Totally agree with you. this all comes down to the consumer and making it easy for them and cost effective for them to either recycle or reuse. Right, right. It, it's the consumer is the key to it all. At the end of the day, the consumer is the key and we can't lose sight of that. And it has been consumer research and consumer insight has been my soapbox since probably 2015. and that the closer that we get to the mind of the consumer. The better off we will be and the more successful we will be. And people can say, Oh, well, it should just be mandated. It should just be, a part of EPR and regulated. And that's fine to say, but at the end of the day, if we don't bring the consumer along for the journey and we do not, the consumer isn't engaged. Boy, it will not succeed. It won't work. And that's the vital part of all of this. Yeah, I was talking to someone yesterday on, I think, a different interview and they, we were talking about Philadelphia and how they at one time were requiring their, residents to, wrap their corrugated with twine to make it more, effective and recyclable. And the residents of the community said. No, we're not going to do that. So you cannot force this. this must be a community engagement situation where we are working together as a team to make improvements and make it work for everyone. And of course we can request small changes and, like you said, reuse, I was at Moda Center and Bold Reuse has reusable cups in there now. They've diverted hundreds of thousands of cups from landfill, with this reuse program and it's easy to do. As a consumer you drink the beverage you put it in the bin. It's right there So, yeah, that's how it has to be. Yeah. Yeah it At the end of the day no matter what element of the value chain you sit We're all in this for the consumer. And so we cannot lose sight of ultimately why we're here. You've got some of the largest brands in the world as part of the U S plastics pact. can you talk to us about who should join and how they join? Yeah. Yeah. So I would say that if you are a part of the value chain that gets people Or delivers or provides the consumer with a product, whether that might be food, whether that might be toys, whether that might be, shampoo all, I'm, It's very broad, whether it's toilet paper, it doesn't matter. But if you are any part of the, the value chain, the pact is where, you should be. and it's not just about brands and it's not just about the front of the, It's the back, of value chain and municipal solid waste. And there's, cities that are also a part of the past. Yeah. Yeah. So, there's a number of actual. City government agencies that are part of the pact as well to help support and drive them to be, a foster a center of call it plastic circular economy and their involvement in advancement because. They play a key role in it, and we need their voice, and we need more voices at the table. but as far as how can anybody get involved, And start the process. it's pretty simple process of going through the U. S. plastics pack, dot org and signing up and we will follow up with you and get the process rolling. it can also reach out to me directly or any email me at the U. Member of the team, which are all on the website, or we're also on LinkedIn and everybody can find us there. so there's many ways to find us and reach out to us. And we're happy to engage and make sure that when they join that. They're, they're going to get the value out of being a part of it. That's amazing. I hadn't thought about municipalities and cities and states and, governments needing to be a part of this as well, but that makes perfect sense. Do you feel like it offers them, an opportunity to collaborate with different, states and cities and, CPG brands and all that? Yeah, no, I think that's one of the key elements that is so exciting about the pact and a true differentiator from any organization, because we have. Those major brands sitting at the table. We have the major retailers sitting at the table. We have the material Producers at the table. We have converters at the table. We have the recyclers and And the municipalities all at the table. We have the murphs at the table like we have everybody and all collectively working together and that Is a true differentiator and I think what gets me excited is now being a part of the practice, how everybody coming together is what's going to be the key to us achieving the true plastic circular economy success. You've had a very impressive career and spent a lot of time actually speaking with government and, state and federal and, so that when I heard that you were, tapped on the shoulder to be the CEO of U. S. plastics pact. I thought, well, that's that makes sense. this, nobody I know that has a, more, diverse background in the plastics space than you and, with your network, I think you're going to have a huge impact. so very exciting. Well done, my friend. And, looking forward to seeing you at events coming up, I wanted to ask you, do you have any, immediate events that you plan to go to? You'd be at, pack Expo or sustainable packaging coalition or yep. I'm gonna be at, I'll be at both of those. and, I'll be, I'll be speaking at SPC and, also be at, APR, the Association of Plastic Recyclers, and then, there's also, packaging recycling, event that is in, in September also that I'll be speaking at, so my, my fall is setting up to be a busy one. so I look forward to, I'm looking forward to seeing you, and I'm also looking forward to seeing others as well, this fall and, getting the word out and hopefully, being able to get some new activators to help support us, as we push forward towards, towards a circular economy. Well done, my friend. And, yeah, if you're listening, make sure to join the US Plastics Pact, be a part of the solution and, work with Jonathan and his team over there. They're great people, Crystal Bayless and all the crew over there. They just do an awesome job and they're easy to work with. And they're, a good team. So you've got a good support system. Yeah, no, I, I can't say enough how lucky I am for the team that I have around me. And, I think the end of the day, we're an organization that is based on actions, not words and based on science and facts. It's not emotion and that action base plus the science and fact, I think is going to do us and those that are part of the pact a lot of good as we move forward. Thank you, my friend. I appreciate this. No, thank you. I appreciate it.