Sustainable Packaging

Packaging Journalist Dominique Huret (A true Pioneer in the industry)

Cory Connors Season 4 Episode 291

Network is key in the world of packaging, thank you IPPO


How can journalists help companies get their message out there? 

What is the future of sustainable packaging? 

How did Dominique become one of the first female freelance journalists in packaging? 

Dominique’s  love of Trade Fairs - IPPO (

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This podcast is an independent production and the podcast production is an original work of the author. All rights of ownership and reproduction are retained—copyright 2022.

Cory Connors:

Welcome to Sustainable Packaging with Cory Connors. Today's guest is my friend Dominique Huret. She is a journalist and a fellow member of EPO. Very excited to interview you today. How are you, Dominique?

Dominique Huret:

I'm fine. Thank you, Corey. Nice to be on air with you.

Cory Connors:

Oh, I'm honored and thankful that you, accepted my request, and, it was really fun to, to spend time with you at, Paris Packaging Week, and we got to go out with their team for one, one meal. That was really fun. But let's talk about you first. Let's talk about your background. You've had, an awesome background, in packaging and in journalism.

Dominique Huret:

Indeed. I was nearly born in packaging.

Cory Connors:


Dominique Huret:

father, has been a packaging expert for one major mineral water brand, here in Belgium. And, so I heard about PET before everybody, because that was one of the subject at the table. After that, my father. Pushed me to go for one year at, the university of journalism in Georgia, Atlanta.

Cory Connors:


Dominique Huret:

that was a very nice experience. And, my dad was very keen on fairs and, I remember one day he told me, come along and, I think it was NPE a show in Atlanta. And he told me, come and have a look with me around The stand you'll see it. It's really fun. And indeed it was. And I think I forgot about it. I did more, studies in journalism and political affairs afterwards. but, then a few years at the BBC world service, and, very interesting internship in CNN Atlanta again. Kuwait war, which was absolutely fascinating. Incredible. Then, we started a family, with my husband and colleague, Jean, and, I redirect my career to print and, for professional, media. And that was, about 20 years ago. And since then I kept writing and researching and interviewing in drinks and packaging. So it's really both, sectors that I really like. And so we started Cape Decision. That's the name of our small company. My husband is more on the technical engineering side and I'm in the journalism. So when I need more info on, some specific technicals, chemists, topics, he's there to help. But then, and he speak German, which I don't. So. that is, is really helping. And today I've got, five, media group that, have, committed to several, article a year. one group, in Germany, two in France, one in England and one in Belgium. Then I've got some spot orders as well. So, I do write, read, think about packaging and drinks every day.

Cory Connors:

You're in high demand. It sounds like I love that. Congratulations.

Dominique Huret:

It's nice. It's nice. It's fun. One brings the others and the others, right?

Cory Connors:

Yeah, that's very true Yeah, I'm excited. It's interesting. You're talking about NPE for the first year ever I'm going to go this year in Orlando, Florida, and I've heard it's a The largest, plastics show or plastics focused show, at least in the USA. So I'm very excited to go and, I think I'll be doing some podcasting from there and stuff like that.

Dominique Huret:

I'll make sure I listen to it.

Cory Connors:

Oh, thank you. Appreciate it. the way we met was by being, fellow members of the International Packaging Press organization. And I'd like to talk to you a little bit about how you got involved with that. Did they reach out to you or was it like me and you heard about it and said, Hey, what about me?

Dominique Huret:

it's a bit like that. Interpac, the big German, fair on, on packaging. In 2008, there was a bunch of older journalists, in the press room.

. Cory Connors:

They were

Dominique Huret:

loud and laughing and exchanging tips and ghost sips and who, the exhibitors that are there and who is not there. And, and obviously having a very good time. So. I asked one of the French, editor that was there, who are these guys? And he said, they are, Germans and Swedish and English journalists, a bunch of older journalists. And so I was, Younger at the time, there were not many women in the press room. So I, I stayed on my, reserve and did not do much. But, later, I think it was, Ipak Ema, Stephen Pacitti. I was president of IPPO at the time and, I was already writing for plastic and packaging is the magazine, that I do value and it's still is one, magazine that I really, enjoy and, And, so he talked, told me about it and, I said, yes, why not? Sure. And since then, that was probably 2012 or so, but about 10 years I've been there and it has actually been absolutely great network for me.

Cory Connors:


Dominique Huret:

for meeting new people, for the exchange of info we can have for, the visibility it gives us, it's been really nice. recently again in last September, Brussels was hosting

a label expo, https:

otter. ai And, it's still is the major worldwide show on label. And we organized an event over there and it was really fun and nice.

Cory Connors:

It's, it's exciting to get, to be together as a group. Because the, years of wisdom in those, in that group is, incredible. I learned so much by my first meeting at, I think it was at, PAC Expo in Las Vegas last year. And, got to introduce Evelio Mattos and Adam Peek to the group and that they were, added, as members. So that's exciting, but. we're with, with Lindy's, Houston's, wisdom, we're, we're taking the reins and moving forward. So, exciting to talk about IPPO and how it can help our environment, our world, that we live in here and improve, the knowledge of packaging and how people are taking steps towards more sustainable packaging. There's a lot that can be done. I wanted to ask you. What is your favorite part about being a packaging journalist? What do you enjoy?

Dominique Huret:

I think I am a very curious person, and I'm interested in everything, and that's what I like about packaging. I think packaging is part of our daily life.

Cory Connors:


Dominique Huret:

And, I love to meet new people. I like enthusiastic people and I like to stay in contact with all the contacts and friends. And so I think journalism is probably the best, best job for me because it's part of my personality. So fairs are my playground. Definitely. No, they are. They are. I like the excitement. I like the buzz. I like the energy. And, after many years, I think my methodology for addressing affair as a freelance journalist is up and running now. So, I've, I have to cover different topics and different area. It can be paper, it can be plastic, it can be metal packaging and for different magazines because of different magazines ask different questions. Angles. So I have to have a methodology running because otherwise three days is too short. So sometimes I'm a bit, over the top at the fairs because I've got a limited time and I need to get all these info.

Cory Connors:

So much to do, right? And such a big space and so many people. Yeah. Even Paris Packaging Week, which is, maybe, a medium sized show. you were very busy and I remember running into you a couple of times and you said, good to see you. I have to go. And I said, okay. And that was, we got some pictures together, but we, and then we got to have a nice relaxed dinner. But, tell me about your experience at Paris Packaging Week. How did you like that?

Dominique Huret:


Cory Connors:

this year

Dominique Huret:

show that is very interesting in It's development. It started in 2001. I was not even in the business at the time, 25 suppliers, 500 visitors. So really dedicated to cosmetic, but it was a high end show and it was owned by a gentleman. It was, a small company. And over the years, the fair has developed tremendously. And, it's now a must attend a show in central Paris. And, it covers the whole range of packaging from cosmetic, perfume, dispenser, drinks, personal care, but there is nearly not a single machine. So that's also interesting because it's only nice, good looking boots, but it's nothing over the top. But still it's buzzing and so I think it's probably the way fares are going to become because very expensive stands, at least here in Europe. I don't know how it is in the States, but here in Europe, stands are becoming extremely expensive. And so if you can just have nice good looking, smaller stands but people ready to talk to show their samples. This is probably clever than traveling the world with big equipments like In some of the German fairs, very interesting too. I have nothing to say, but, sustainability wise, it's becoming a little, discussing, let's see. also what was very interesting at, Paris packaging week was that I was member of two jury. One on, metal packaging and the other one on dispenser and being in jury means that I had the product, in, before the events discussed with panels of other experts. And so give me insight. And then during the fair, I could go on the stands, ask a few questions and it gave me a lot of insight. So that was interesting. And then Obviously Paris packaging week is becoming a place for spotting new product and trends.

Cory Connors:

Yes, I agree. Yeah.

Dominique Huret:

So, you've got another very big fair in the luxury packaging, which is in Monaco. Lux Pack Monaco, which is also a very interesting fair, but, it, it is different. Paris would be more. how can I say? Maybe European? Luke's back is very French Italian, let's say.

Cory Connors:

Interesting. That's, it's fascinating. And the only way to learn about these things, other than to listen to someone like you, is to go. And to experience them, I, I feel so thankful to get to go to some of these shows and events and experience them. but you're exactly right. they all have different fields. They all have different, environments, no automation equipment at Paris packaging week, except for a little here and there. But, Fascinating. And like you said, some of the latest and greatest technologies, ideas, concepts. I was blown away again this year and look forward to January event. I'd like to talk a little bit about sustainable packaging and. I, you've been around the industry for a few years and you've had a lot of experience. What do you think is having the largest impact on the sustainability of packaging? Maybe an example of something that you really like.

Dominique Huret:

Yes. I've got to be politically correct here. to me, all packaging have their pros and cons. Definitely. They, their function is to preserve food, drinks, and this is essential. And, the world, packaging organization is very. Very, how can I say it's focusing on that and I think they are extremely right. So not a single packaging is perfect in terms of sustainability. Even paper is not perfect. Metal packaging consume a lot of energy. And all the life cycle analysis prove this. So, if I can take a little bit of liberty here, I would just say that. as I am Belgian and Belgium is one of the leading country in recycling, I do think recycling is key. recycling packaging is key and probably, our pet, sorry, recycled pet and bottle to bottle. To me, that is really, a way we should go at least for developed countries, for less privileged countries. And part of the world, collection and sorting are key because by sorting and collecting, you already are doing something sustainable because

Cory Connors:


Dominique Huret:

course you can do it with metal, you can do it with paper, you can do it with plastic. and so I think the focus should really be on, on, on collection and sorting. in Belgium, 90 percent of all packagings are collected and sorted and

Cory Connors:


Dominique Huret:

15 recycled.

Cory Connors:

That's amazing. But

Dominique Huret:

we have very small country and we had a few visionary entrepreneurs, really from the industry. We put money in collection. And once collection is there, then the rest, follows, huh? So

Cory Connors:

said. Yes, it has to start there, right? And educating the, the people that live there, right?

Dominique Huret:

And the younger generation, the previous president of, YPO, Pierre Pienaar, was just so adamant about that. Let's start with education. And I think he's right. It's right because we are the generation on the go. The other ones are coming. So no, it's true. we should lead by example for sure. But the other one will have to, live on this planet for much longer than us.

Cory Connors:

It seems like it's our fault and it's our, responsibility to teach and to provide these possibilities of a more sustainable future to the next generations, Yeah, very well said. Thank you. So, I'd like to talk a little bit about, maybe some packaging that's caught your eye in the past or in the near recent, history. What's the secret to getting noticed on the shelf as, somebody who's got a brand or a package to, to show off?

Dominique Huret:

I think it is important to have media collaboration and good exposure. I think if you have a great new product, new project, it's nice to have a new, but if it is important to have it, of course, this is where it started, but you have to let it know to the world, let it know to the specific press so that they can talk about it. And, Packaging Europe is also doing a great job on that. I think this is such a valuable magazine because they go in depth and they have You know, they cover all packaging, so, I think you can even, it doesn't have to be, how would you call this, it can be, of course, an independent, article, but it can also be a transcript. So, yeah. collaboration. I think this is important. Be present at the show at the fairs. show what you are doing, have a press conference if you can. It's a bit expensive, but it's probably money well invested. and, what I think is interesting is to see how in different show, you've got always a couple of big company who are making the buzz

Cory Connors:


Dominique Huret:

Germany. It's going to be one year. It's this company, the next show, it's another big company. You generally do not have three major company competing. One is taking the lead. Then you've got other. But, because for journalists, if you've got a press conference organized, you know it in advance, you put it in your schedule and you go and you've got all the info on a, on the USB stick. they always tell you go on your QR code and everything. You're just thinking, Oh God, QR code on my phone. How am I going to use it on my computer? If you go back with a USB stick, you use it,

Cory Connors:


Dominique Huret:

You write about it. You've got good quality pictures. There you are. You go and write about it.

Cory Connors:

I agree. It's like business cards. You remember that you met somebody if you have a physical business card, or, there's always that person that will follow up immediately with you and get right into your email and that, that helps a lot too.

Dominique Huret:

And LinkedIn, if you had a very nice contact, you LinkedIn, we met there and, So that's also important. And if you've got media contact that are not changing too often, that is also nice because then you remember this person. Oh yeah, I know she is from Silken. Oh, I know she's okay. Okay. She's a nice person.

Cory Connors:

You can trust each other, right? Yeah.

Dominique Huret:

Yes. And among journalists, we would exchange, tips like that. Say, Oh, the PR from Tetra Pak, the new PR from Tetra Pak. Okay. Very nice person. they're talking. And so you just, Enlarge their network and your network as well. So

Cory Connors:

we can all help each other. I agree and you mentioned, packaging euro will you be heading to their sustainable packaging summit again this year?

Dominique Huret:

Yes, i'm gonna try definitely. I think Tim sykes is doing a terrific job and very brave and Qualified journalist definitely very proud to have him in in the IPPO, I've got to say.

Cory Connors:

I agree. I'm honored to be friends with him and you and many of the people in IPPO. It's, it's quite a group we have. it's a really exciting time to be in packaging, particularly in sustainable packaging. So I lucked out there that's the one thing I really focused on my whole career. But, Yeah, I heard you had a recent, a big change in your family. You want to tell us about that?

Dominique Huret:

Yes, there is time for you to ask. Yes, my older daughter has, got twins girls last week.

Cory Connors:


Dominique Huret:

And they are so cute. They are so cute. So cute. And it's the first one. So I decided to go a little easy on the traveling, this year. She asked me. And so I will only make, four, five, four or five fair this year. There is Drupal in

Cory Connors:

Dusseldorf, which

Dominique Huret:

is more into print, packaging. But this is a massive fair in, in Germany. in October, we'll have Luxbach, Monaco, which is a very fun fair to attend. They even privatized a train last year. from Paris to Monaco.

Cory Connors:


Dominique Huret:

Only for, exhibitors and journalists. Great idea. No, not for visitor, for exhibitors and journalists. So it was really fun. You could take the private jet and there were a few events during, in the train and it was like two hours trains or so. So it was nice, maybe three hours.

Cory Connors:

Start the show on the way there. That's wonderful. yeah.

Dominique Huret:

it was fun. And then, November in Paris, there is also All4Parc, which is also a big, fair used to be emballage. LAR and then there is . Milano.

Cory Connors:

Okay, so

Dominique Huret:

this is Milano as well. So, that's, that, that's enough. That's enough. That's enough.. Cory Connors: That's Yeah. Good for you. I'm, I did the same this year. I paired back, at my kids and wife's request. but I learned a lot last year about what shows that were really valuable and what shows were maybe something that you only need to go to once or twice. exactly. And, they, there is some fairs that I would go, not every year or every other year because otherwise there's not enough, innovation for me. I'm very focused on innovation and of course, that, that is the topics of most of my articles. Um, for Lindy in PKN, she always wants the glossy innovation.

Cory Connors:


Dominique Huret:

fine. She's right. And so if I go every year, I've got not enough.

Cory Connors:


Dominique Huret:

so, and there was plenty of fair. So, so it's worth.

Cory Connors:

thank you so much Dominique. I appreciate you and your wisdom. tell us how to get in touch with you if we have a packaging innovation that you could write an article about.

Dominique Huret:

Oh, that's nice. That's nice. I do, contribute to two specific blogs, one on drinks and one's on packaging. They are weekly or b monthly blogs. So the best is to write, to send it to my email, which is Dominique. I will buzz cape decision dot com. So I'll put

Cory Connors:

that in the show notes so people can click on it and copy and paste

Dominique Huret:

to receive the press releases with good pictures and then I can do my best to put them on the blog. And if more, of course, very willing to, write an article. I sometimes I also have made, to order articles if, there's a company asking for specific, articles, I have also done some, collaboration for anniversary where I had to interview live, a CEO at some specific fairs. I did that at Interpac last year. Because, when you have an independent journalist, I'm not linked to any magazines, neither to any specific packaging. So this freedom is sometimes valuable for, companies.

Cory Connors:

I can see that. Yeah. PR firms should reach out to you. Yeah. Exactly.

Dominique Huret:


Cory Connors:

Very exciting. thank you again, Dominique. Really appreciate you. Have a good rest of the day.

Dominique Huret:

Thank you. Same to you, Corey. Nice talking to you.

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